MRKH Links

*Check out the MRKH Grrls on Yahoo! groups. If you are not a part of it yet, please do join. It's a great support group.

* has a variety of different links on it. I like the Missing Vagina Monologue.

*Another great resource for all sorts of MRKH personal resources and information: MRKH Canada Blog

*Here is yet another fabulous blog: MRKH Musings

*You Tube has a variety of very personal experiences on it. Search MRKH.

*On the MTV True Life series: I Can't Have Sex...while there is not an MRKH girl in it, I think we can relate to these girls. It also brings to light that we do not have the only challenging condition.

*SJ's MRKH Blog

*Here is an active community page: Women with MRKH Syndrome

*Wikipedia: Mullerian Agenesis

*LinkedIn: Academia of Women's Health and Endoscopic Surgery